Stratford town centre


We're upgrading electrical equipment on Stratford's main street, Broadway.

This work includes moving electrical equipment currently located above the verandas on the outside of 48 buildings, and is taking place along both sides of Broadway, between the Regan St and Fenton St roundabouts. The project is being carried out in stages.

The first stage, on the eastern side of Broadway, took place throughout late 2022 and early 2023.

Work on the western side of Broadway began in July 2023, and is continuing until mid-November. Under-boring to allow for a new power cable will also take place in Prospero Place, while an electricity box in front of the clock tower is to be moved.

For the work to be carried out safely, carpark and footpath traffic management will be carried out at times.

Powerworx is contracted to carry out the work on our behalf.

Moving the equipment to more easily accessible fuse boxes already at ground level on Broadway, means our contractors will be able to respond to a fault faster and in a safer way. 

Planned power outages will be needed for the area at different times to allow the work to be carried out safely. Your electricity retailer (the company you pay your power bill to) provides advance notice of planned power outages affecting your address. Powerworx will also contact individual businesses to let them know of any upcoming planned outages. You can also keep up to date with planned outages here.

For safety, traffic management will be in place at times, including the footpath outside buildings being closed at times. We’ll work with Broadway businesses to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Getting in touch

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we carry out this work.

If you would like to contact us about this work, please email or call us:


Phone: 0800 769 372 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 5.30pm)

* Timings dependent on conditions such as weather and other restrictions.

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