Stringing the lines

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Construction of the South Waikato National Grid Connection is well underway, and will continue through until March 2023 at this stage.

As part of that work, there will be some road closures and planned power outages.

We know these are inconvenient and we'd like to thank residents, businesses and road users alike for your co-operation. These are necessary for our crews to work safely, and we're working hard to minimise disruption to you.

We'll also be using helicopters to install overhead lines onto poles (watch the video below).


Road closures

Roads will be closed and diversions in place, approximately 9am - 3pm on the dates below. Residents and heavy trucks will be allowed through via stop/go traffic management.

9 November

There will be brief Stop/Go closures on Arapuni Road near Shine Road, and Shine Road will be closed as below.

10 November

The road will be closed as below and Shine Road may be closed to complete some work from 9 November.

19 and 20 November

Stop/Go traffic management will be in place along Arapuni Road.

30 November - 1 December, 12 - 14 January


Helicopter flights

We’ll be using helicopters to string overhead lines onto the poles we’ve installed along Arapuni Road, and across some private land.

The helicopter work will be taking place intermittently from mid-October through to December weather-depending.

We know helicopters can startle livestock so our contractors will be working with residents to let you know about flights ahead of time.


Planned power outages

There will be some planned power outages associated with the construction work. You'll find times and dates below.

You'll receive advance notification from your retailer (the company you pay your power bill to) if an outage will affect you.

You can also check if an outage will affect you by typing your address or the outage reference number into our planned outages page

Outage date time alternate date reference number
9 November 9am - 3pm N/A 92356
10 November 9am - 3pm 11 November 92955
19 November 9am - 3pm N/A 92358
20 November 9am - 3pm 21 November 92956
12 January 9am - 3pm 14 January 92360
13 January 9am - 3pm 14 January 92359
14 January 9am - 3pm tbc 92957
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