Walton Road

We’ve upgraded our substation on Walton Road between Morrinsville and Matamata and installed a new 10km underground electricity cable in a $14m project that will keep our South Waikato customers connected well into the future.


An upgraded substation

We’ve installed new 33kV and 11kV switchboards and constructed a new substation building to keep the new equipment sheltered from the elements.
The new building and equipment is modern and safe for our crews to work with, helping ensure we can continue to provide reliable supply.


A new cable

We’ve also installed a new 33kV underground cable between the Walton Road substation and the corner of Kereone Road. The 10km cable increases capacity to serve our South Waikato customers, and helps ensure we can continue to supply customers with electricity in the event that any nearby Transpower Grid Exit Points experience an outage or are undergoing maintenance.

Watch our video about this project here:

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