Investing in your future

Electric vehicle plugged in for charging.


Who knows what the future holds? Our crystal ball says there’ll be exciting advances in energy technology, and Powerco will be working to actively power your future.

For today, we are focused on building a network that provides you with a reliable power supply. For tomorrow, we are laying foundations to ensure our network can offer you flexibility in your energy choices.

To do this, we are monitoring how your use of the network is changing as a result of new technologies such as electric vehicles, batteries and solar.

We’re also keeping up with global changes and trends, particularly the 3Ds: digitalisation, decentralisation of the electricity supply chain, and decarbonisation.

It’s hard to predict the timing, impact and details of how changes will occur. But we know they are coming, so we need to be prepared.

Powerco subscribes to the New Zealand-specific Network Transformation Roadmap developed by the Electricity Network Association (ENA) .

It says that the network of the future will be influenced by two main factors:

  • Customer behaviour – how engaged are customers with their energy supply?
  • Technology – how much renewable electricity and how many associate edge devices are connected to the grid?

In CPP – Year One we established a dedicated Network Transformation team to plan how to get our network ready for these changes.

The team leads a range of helpful, thought-provoking initiatives. They consider scenarios and assess the associated impact on the network, they analyse emerging consumer trends, look at and develop new network and non-network solutions, and they coordinate pilot programmes and proofs of concept for new solutions.

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