Our data quality improvements in 2020-21

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Here’s a snapshot of the work our teams did to collect and update the data we have about our electricity assets over the 2021 financial year (1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021):

  • We updated 800 high voltage (HV) conductor size records after getting them verified through field checks.
  • We updated our low voltage (LV) transformer circuitry, including corrections to the Geographic Information Systems data using insights from site check findings and outage complaints. We have covered 64% of our LV network checking the connectivity and numbering.
  • Reviewing our process for closing our projects, which essentially means we make sure we’ve recorded the rights assets before we finish the job.
  • Our dedicated Data Improvement Programme team completed over 30 small data quality initiatives to improve our data. This includes verifying core data about some of our most important and valuable assets, to ensure we have the correct information in our systems.
  • We took more photos of our assets and uploaded them our master records. This allows our service providers to identify equipment in the field by having more accurate and robust information. We have also implemented a feedback process so that our service providers can let us know if your records are incorrect.
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