Hatricks River Crossing


Whanganui - Hatricks river crossing undergrounding


The challenge

To enhance our network, and deliver asset maintenance that will further support our focus on high safety standards for your community.

Recent heavy rains and flooding around Whanganui had created slips and unstable ground on the hillside backing onto Purua St. This could potentially compromise the quality and capacity of our 33kV back-up supply, and 11kV circuits that link to the Hatricks wharf substation, providing your homes and businesses with power supply.


The solution

Removal and upgrading of the weather-affected section of Hatricks 33kV and Marangai 11kV feeder lines, by installing new cables between Hatricks Wharf substation to Purua St.

This upgrade will also improve the 33kV capacity support for Taupo Quay substation.

Hatricks Wharf and Taupo Quay substations have an existing 11kV interconnecting cable to supply two-way support for flexibility of power supply. 


The benefit

Assurance that your network:

  • Is safe and reliable in the delivery of your community’s electricity needs
  • Has strengthened resilience to withstand unpredictable weather conditions that could potentially disrupt your power supply


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