Feilding substation upgrade

Building will begin in November 2023 and continue into 2024 on a $9.63 million redevelopment and switchgear replacement at the Feilding substation.

Supplying electricity to about 13,000 northern ManawatÅ« customers, the work involves replacing the substation’s existing outdoor 33kV switchgear and 11kV switchboard with two new indoor switchboards in a combined switch room. 

The upgrade will help ensure Feilding’s power supply remains reliable now and enables future growth. 

The work includes:

  • Permanently removing the two-pole overhead power line structure outside the substation on East St.
  • Installing two new power poles on East St.
  • Building a new concrete, mono-pitch roofed switch room, scheduled to be completed by April 2024, at which point the internal electrical fit-out will begin.
  • Demolition of the old building and outdoor switchgear, which is expected to start in August next year.

The work will be carried out by Connell Contractors Ltd.

What this means for you

We’ll be working hard to minimise any disruption to the surrounding community. During mid-November, sheet piling (to support excavation on the substation site) will be installed. This work can be noisy. We expect this work to take several days, during weekday business hours only.

While no outages are planned earlier on in the project, for our team to work safely, there will be a need for some planned power outages during 2024.  

You’ll receive advance notification from your electricity retailer (the company you pay your power bill to) of any outages affecting you. You can also check for planned outages here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we carry out this essential work.

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