Contractor changes
Our contractors are very important and we value the work you do as our representatives with customers.
The way we’re working with customers and contractors is changing. Rather than customers going directly to PACs to get work done, we are going to work with customers and then allocate work to our contractors.
There will be a phased approach to managing customer works as we transition to this new way of working.
Customers, and agents working on behalf of customers, will have a user-friendly interface called Powerco Connect to manage their connection requests.
Powerco Connect features:
- Job tracking - customers can track the status of their jobs in real time.
- Easy submission and management of required documents.
- The ability to communicate directly with us through the portal.
The Powerco Connect digital portal features a tiered framework designed to categorise projects based on their complexity and impact on the network.
We're moving from our Powerco approved contractors (PACs) working directly with customers, to a new Customer Works model where Powerco will manage the end-to-end customer experience to enable greater oversight of the quality, safety and the service we provide to customers.